Ryan Gardiner
Ryan Gardiner

Ryan Gardiner

Ryan is a full-time patrol sergeant at a federal law enforcement agency in the Bay Area of California.  As a member of the training staff at his agency he provides training on firearms, active threat response, and defensive tactics.  

He retired from the Army Reserve in 2020 after 21 years of service in the Military Police Corps.  Ryan is a certified firearms instructor through the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and maintains National Rifle Association Basic Pistol and CCW Instructor certifications.  Ryan is also trained as a Stop the Bleed instructor.  

Ryan constantly seeks training and information on various law enforcement and self-defense related topics and is always trying to evolve his craft as an instructor to better serve his students.  

He enjoys helping new shooters through the trials of shooting and getting them comfortable with the gun.  When he isn’t shooting Ryan enjoys paddle boarding, kayaking, hiking, and chasing his kids on the soccer field.